Assalamualaikum wbt.
Well, had an interview just now and since exams are in more than two weeks i guess (insyaAllah) i have all the time i need to write a post. Btw, been reverting all unnecessary old posts to drafts cos i feel theyre all immature posts :| Am definitely not saying that im mature enough now, but i could say im more mature compared to the old me. haha
Back to the purpose of writing this post, its actually for my future reference. ill be writing on tips for myself and all the mock comments from myself to self (such a sentence =.=)
So far Id attended more than five interviews this year which none of them got accepted, except for the recent one (no result yet, just finished one). Aint sure how to break the tips down to points, belasah jelah. And also, the tips may be applicable to other disciplines as well but may not applicable to future doctors, because I dont even know how doctors get jobs, really - the only profession they can be is just doctor, if theyd like to be one.
Dear self, here are the tips.
Searching for jobs
1. When to start ?
Id suggest that the latest you start searching for a job is 6 months before you are graduating. The earlier the better, ie. searching for internship for example. Because youll gain experience from all your failures and keep improving yourself in every interview, networking skill, email writing etc etc etc. By the time you graduate, youve acquired at least the minimum skills, and if its your rizq, youll be offered a job. I was advised by a project manager during internship, to start early.
Unlike NZ, most students who are studying in UK have no internship requirements unless if you opt for a year in industrial placement. So id really suggest, engineering students, please please please do internship during summer break to gain experience, as well as to stand out from the others. I strongly disagree if you say that itll clash with summer programs blablabla, isnt job be part of our dnt and shouldnt we be THE professionals? I did an internship last year, which some of the intentions were to expose myself to the reality, and to train myself on how to cope in balancing work life, family time and dnt, how to manage your financial when youre working in the city etc etc etc. Please dont be secular, shall we? Islam should be the way of life. You can still attend summer programs during the weekend, its a matter of willingness.
2. Preparing CVs
There are tons of cv examples on the net, so do check those and make one yourself. Have your uni career department to check on your cv, and dont forget to correct and update it regularly! Or you can have someone you trust and reliable to check on yours. Make sure theres NO spelling mistakes (this is like a NO NO okay!), and grammatical errors (do watch this out).
The same goes to cover letters and all. CVs can be general or specific. If youre applying to a company, please customize it. On the other hand, if its for a career fair or a job web (idk what its called haha), then your cv is better off general.
Btw, mind my missing ( ' ). I dont like to use it tho sometimes i do use when theres a possibility of misinterpretating of the word.
3. Search on the companies you interested in
Make sure you know what those companies are offering, what they do, how they do to survive, are they the big players in the market or theyve just started and what you can contribute to them in exchange of the position theyre offering.
There was one time, Id been asked on what are the products they manufacture, and i bluffed. Thats definitely not the right way nsmg.
4. Networking skills
Attend career fairs and prepare before attending to one. What i meant was, search on the companies participated (one youre interested in lah) in the fair beforehand, get the list! Bring along a notebook with you while attending the fair and make sure you get the name of the person youre talking to. Oh and dont forget to get in touch with them by email, saying you met them blablabla.
And if youve attended an interview with them recently, dont forget to drop by their booths just to say hello. Or if youve heard the company receives a reward or etc, you can always go to the booth and congratulate them and make them feel noticed. You can always email as well.
Attend networking session with employers if possible, and learn to communicate formally, watch out all your bad habits. no no. This isnt scary at all, theyre all humans anyway. My first networking session was with intel, thought itd be a scary experience. It wasnt! I enjoyed talking to these people, learnt their way of thinking, and most importantly, learnt to understand them. Outreach lol. By attending this session, it actually helps you calm yourself down during interviews, because youve known these people, more than just seeing them as your interviewer. That must be scary!
Arent these are DF-ing techniques, and shouldnt these be our akhlaq? Renew your intention, as well. It isnt always about you, but this is for ummah *senyum*
Malaysian students in UK, every year theres a career fair participated by Malaysian employers, they do interviews days after the fair if youve got shortlisted. Please send your cv before the deadline, and do care.
5. Pre-interview
a) Take a deep breath and dont panic.
b) Research on the employers thatll be interviewing you
c) Prepare all your formal attires the night before, so that youll be able to calm yourself down on the day. The attire should cover all your awrahs! *wink
d) Renew your intentions, dont forget to recite 20:25-35. May Allah ease every word.
e) Be early. On time is considered late, and disastrous especially when youre in a rush.
f) I know that sometimes they ask common questions like, why-should-we-hire-you type of questions where you have to praise yourself. In such time, answer those questions and do remember that Allah is the One who grants you such attitudes, traits, rizq, so He should be praised above all. Not yourself. All you have now, is His blessings.
g) Be confident, but not arrogant. You are no one without Allah, nsmg.
6. Post interview
Now that youve gone through the interview process, dont forget to take note on what you should improve, what would you say to answer all the questions perfectly. And you can also take note on what are the questions theyve asked. I noticed malaysian employers tend to ask questions more on personality rather than know-how or know-why questions.
UK on the other hand, most companies have interview stages. Youve to answer a personality test before a phone interview is made. If you got shortlisted then youre invited to another interview session in the office, and then only youll be accepted. Pheww~
After every interview, dont forget to send an email saying that its been a pleasure to be given the opportunity to attend the session. Again, this is part of networking skills but id say that this isnt just a skill, this should be akhlaq.
The best part is to keep in touch with them. Congratulate them when they receive awards etc, or it can be anything. But do keep in touch. If you dont get accepted for the position, email them maturely, saying what a great opportunity youve had, and youre praying for their success. Mean every word please, muslims.
Thats basically what I have for now. Will add on the list, for future reference to self. Or even to future generations (surrounded by friends whod safely delivered their babies. Arent they just adorable? Allahumma bariklaha :D). Btw, I didnt get a chance to vote today as a result of procrastination in registering to vote. But will definitely pray whatever best for Islam in UK.
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